District: Prohlis
Complication: 48 crèche children, 96 kindergarten children, 12 integration places
Owner: Landeshauptstadt Dresden
From the kindergarten concept:
All of children, regardless of their origin, religion and social background will receive a warm welcome in this institution. Every child are viewed as an independent person who, from birth, try to use their senses and independently for curiosity and analysis learning the world around to be able to get going correctly in everyday life. The kindergarten teachers maintain a trusting partnership with parents. All of this aspects are part of our work which develops continuously.
This kindergarten is attended by children from Europe, Asia and Africa. It works as a part of „The Growing up with Social Responsibility Action Program” (Aufwachsen in sozialer Verantwortung) and the Federal program „Language for kindergarten“ (Sprachkitas).